
My philosophy is based on the belief that each one of us has a unique purpose for being here. And when we discover this purpose and align our lives to it, life becomes easier, more meaningful, and deeply enjoyable.
You are here to make a difference. If you were not needed, someone else would be here in your place. Playing small doesn't serve anyone. So tapping into this gift, and into the source that guides you, allows you to:
Live an aligned life
Be fully expressed
Come fully alive
And make a real difference
Soulful Integration
Why It's Important To You and Your Success
It all comes down to purpose ... your purpose for being here.
Does your day, work contribution, profession... reflect what you value and care about and how you spend your time?
What informs my work
My work is not based on a religion but on solid business and universal principles that include care, compassion, recieving, giving, and making a contribution. My work is informed by a solid personal meditation and contemplation practice, a working knowledge of the science of Ayurveda, and a life-long background in Celtic wisdom and traditional Celtic practices.
How I serve your needs
I serve as a guide, confidante, and support to help you understand the deepest meaning of your life and how to live it fully expressed - daily.